Religious issues - German states were converting to Protestantism, Austria was Catholic, Southern Germany was Catholic, Northern German states were Protestant
Bismarck's relationship w/ Kaiser Wilhelm I?
Couldn't do anything without Kaiser's support
Got on well with the Kaiser
Manipulated Kaiser Wilhelm I into doing what he wanted through hysterical outbursts + threats of resignation
Bismarck used the Kaiser's reliance on him to his advantage
Kaiser Wilhelm I's personality and relationship w/ Bismarck?
Prussian aristocrat, loved his standing, image in society
Upset to lose Prussian crown in return for German Empire
Bad speaker + not largely popular with any one party
Kaiser relied on Bismarck
Got on well w/ Bismarck
But he distrusted him at first due to his rapid resolutions, rash actions - he started to trust him when his actions proved successful
1871 Election results
National Liberals won by a landslide - good for Bismarck's influence to spread
Free Conservatives had a little bit of popularity - good as they were interested in a united Germany like Bismarck
Socialist party only had 2 seats - good for Bis as he was opposed to socialism
Who was the leader of the National Liberals?
Rudolf von Benningsen
Furthered German unification, supportive of Bismarck's aims to unite Germany
Reforms for economic development
Laws e.g. abolition of tariffs on internal trade between Landers, National Penal Code 1872 - states retained independent control over their police forces, support for the extension of railway network
What was Kulturkampf?
Struggle for culture campaign - targeted attack on the Catholic Churh aimed to remove
Began by Bismarck and NLs
Bis and NL afraid of Zentrum's popularity because of their strong Catholic views in society
1873 - Pope Pius IX wrote to Kaiser complaining about Kulturkampf and said anyone who had been baptised should only obey the Pope
--> Wilhelm was offended by this, and showed Bismarck even more support
--> but crown prince Frederick + wife didn't like the campaign
Kulturkampf and school reform
Bismarck was unhappy w/ supervision of schools in Polish-speaking areas of Prussia
Chose Adalbert Falk to be Prussian Minister of Religion and Education1872 - close to NL, introduced measures to dissolve traditional bonds between Church and schools
Weaken Church influence in school, reduces right to merge Catholic and Protestant schools into inter-confessional schools
What were the May Laws 1873?
Adalbert Falk introduced these laws that applied to Prussia
Examples include
Catholic education must be under state supervision
Existing priests must retrain, prove loyalty to the state
State financial aid to the Church was abolished
Other actions against the Church in Kulturkampf
1874 - responsibility over registration of births, marriages, deaths in Prussia was removed from the Church and taken over by the state
Any banned priest caught preaching could be placed under house arrest/expelled from Germany
1876 - all Catholic bishops of Prussia and Polish bishops were imprisoned/exiled
Catholic section of Prussian Ministry of Religion and Education was abolished
Jesuits = forbidden from preaching and entering Prussian schools, anti-Jesuit campaign spread across the Empire
End of Kulturkampf
Bismarck had the reasons below to start ending Kulturkampf in 1878, the May Laws were revoked but Jesuit ban remained; new Pope was elected and more liberal allowing Bismarck to change policy
Persecution encouraged Catholics to rally to the cause of the Church
Zentrum had a new able leader, Ludwig Windhorst, they had organised meetings i.e. 'national resistance tours' attacking Kulturkampf
Resistance = success - in the 1874 elections, Zentrum won 91 seats and could threaten Bismarck's majority in Reichstag
Results of Kulturkampf
Bismarck wanted to unite the Empire but increased divisions + cased problems for minorities
Assassination attempt by Catholic barrel-maker in 1874
Jews in NL party expressed concerns over this causing an increase in anti-semitism
This would get in the way of his alliance w/ Catholic Austria; he wanted the centre party's support to oppose growing Socialism, his natural allies Protestant conservatives grew opposed to Kulturkampf (promoted hostility towards religion)
What benefits were caused by ending Kulturkampf?
Improved relationship with the Papacy
Bismarck was able to make his alliance w/ Austria in 1879
Zentrum turned into a fully religious party, supporting the Empire, strengthening its unitylong-term
Bismarck didn't have to be dependent on the NL Party anymore, as he could make any policy changes he wanted