German unification, Wilhelm I, Bismarck, Kulturkampf

Cards (15)

  • How did Germany unify in 1871? (5 things)
    Prussian economic strength
    Decline of Austria
    Role of Bismarck
    Isolation of Austria
    Isolation of France
  • What were the 3 wars of unification that caused the Isolation of Austria?
    Schleswig-Holstein (1863-4)
    Austro-Prussian War (1866)
    Seven Weeks War (1866)
  • What was the treaty that brought Germany unification?
    Treaty of Frankfurt
  • Obstacles to German unification?
    • Division among nationalists - middle class/working class wanted different things (couldn't present a united front)
    • Austrian strength - 20% of Austrian civilians were German - emperor feared they would leave for Germany = weaker Austria
    • Economic success - Zollverein, railways (1820s-30s)
    • Religious issues - German states were converting to Protestantism, Austria was Catholic, Southern Germany was Catholic, Northern German states were Protestant
  • Bismarck's relationship w/ Kaiser Wilhelm I?

    • Couldn't do anything without Kaiser's support
    • Got on well with the Kaiser
    • Manipulated Kaiser Wilhelm I into doing what he wanted through hysterical outbursts + threats of resignation
    • Bismarck used the Kaiser's reliance on him to his advantage
  • Kaiser Wilhelm I's personality and relationship w/ Bismarck?
    • Prussian aristocrat, loved his standing, image in society
    • Upset to lose Prussian crown in return for German Empire
    • Bad speaker + not largely popular with any one party
    • Kaiser relied on Bismarck
    • Got on well w/ Bismarck
    • But he distrusted him at first due to his rapid resolutions, rash actions - he started to trust him when his actions proved successful
  • 1871 Election results

    • National Liberals won by a landslide - good for Bismarck's influence to spread
    • Free Conservatives had a little bit of popularity - good as they were interested in a united Germany like Bismarck
    • Socialist party only had 2 seats - good for Bis as he was opposed to socialism
  • Who was the leader of the National Liberals?
    Rudolf von Benningsen
    • Furthered German unification, supportive of Bismarck's aims to unite Germany
    • Reforms for economic development
    • Laws e.g. abolition of tariffs on internal trade between Landers, National Penal Code 1872 - states retained independent control over their police forces, support for the extension of railway network
  • What was Kulturkampf?

    Struggle for culture campaign - targeted attack on the Catholic Churh aimed to remove
    • Began by Bismarck and NLs
    • Bis and NL afraid of Zentrum's popularity because of their strong Catholic views in society
    • 1873 - Pope Pius IX wrote to Kaiser complaining about Kulturkampf and said anyone who had been baptised should only obey the Pope
    • --> Wilhelm was offended by this, and showed Bismarck even more support
    • --> but crown prince Frederick + wife didn't like the campaign
  • Kulturkampf and school reform
    • Bismarck was unhappy w/ supervision of schools in Polish-speaking areas of Prussia
    • Chose Adalbert Falk to be Prussian Minister of Religion and Education 1872 - close to NL, introduced measures to dissolve traditional bonds between Church and schools
    • Weaken Church influence in school, reduces right to merge Catholic and Protestant schools into inter-confessional schools
  • What were the May Laws 1873?
    Adalbert Falk introduced these laws that applied to Prussia
    Examples include
    • Catholic education must be under state supervision
    • Existing priests must retrain, prove loyalty to the state
    • State financial aid to the Church was abolished
  • Other actions against the Church in Kulturkampf
    • 1874 - responsibility over registration of births, marriages, deaths in Prussia was removed from the Church and taken over by the state
    • Any banned priest caught preaching could be placed under house arrest/expelled from Germany
    • 1876 - all Catholic bishops of Prussia and Polish bishops were imprisoned/exiled
    • Catholic section of Prussian Ministry of Religion and Education was abolished
    • Jesuits = forbidden from preaching and entering Prussian schools, anti-Jesuit campaign spread across the Empire
  • End of Kulturkampf
    Bismarck had the reasons below to start ending Kulturkampf in 1878, the May Laws were revoked but Jesuit ban remained; new Pope was elected and more liberal allowing Bismarck to change policy
    • Persecution encouraged Catholics to rally to the cause of the Church
    • Zentrum had a new able leader, Ludwig Windhorst, they had organised meetings i.e. 'national resistance tours' attacking Kulturkampf
    • Resistance = success - in the 1874 elections, Zentrum won 91 seats and could threaten Bismarck's majority in Reichstag
  • Results of Kulturkampf
    • Bismarck wanted to unite the Empire but increased divisions + cased problems for minorities
    • Assassination attempt by Catholic barrel-maker in 1874
    • Jews in NL party expressed concerns over this causing an increase in anti-semitism
    • This would get in the way of his alliance w/ Catholic Austria; he wanted the centre party's support to oppose growing Socialism, his natural allies Protestant conservatives grew opposed to Kulturkampf (promoted hostility towards religion)
  • What benefits were caused by ending Kulturkampf?
    • Improved relationship with the Papacy
    • Bismarck was able to make his alliance w/ Austria in 1879
    • Zentrum turned into a fully religious party, supporting the Empire, strengthening its unity long-term
    • Bismarck didn't have to be dependent on the NL Party anymore, as he could make any policy changes he wanted