Cards (7)

    • Field of available
      The entire set of potential romantic partners, all the people we could realistically form a relationship with
    • Field of desirables
      From the field of available, those who are attractive to us
    • Law of attraction
      The idea that we find similarity of attitudes attractive
    • Complementarity
      Similarity becomes less important as a relationship develops and is replaced by a need for your partner to balance your traits with opposite ones of their own
    • Proximity
      One of the social demographic factors that influence the chances of potential partners meeting in the first place
    • Beliefs and values
      Partners will often share important beliefs and values. This is initially due to the fact that the field of available has already been narrowed by the first filter to those who have significant social and cultural characteristic in common with us. Similarity in beliefs and values is considered attractive
    • The ability to meet a partner’s needs
      This is about the complementarity filter. Two partners complement each other when they have traits that the other lacks and may be attracted for this reason