Elisi's ABC model

Cards (6)

  • ao1
    Elis proposed the three stage model to explain how irrational thoughts can lead to depression. An activating event (A) occurs eg)you break up with your SO. Your beliefs (B) is your interpretation which, could either be irrational or rational. According to Elis an irrational belief eg) I must be unlovable can lead to unhealthy consequences like depression.
  • AO1: paragraph 2 

    .The source of irrational thinking lies in masturbatory thinking - thinking that certain ideas or assumptions must be true in order for an individual to be happy. Elis identified the three most important irrational belies.
    1. )I must be approved by or accepted by people I find important
    2. )I must do well or I am worthless
    3. the world must give happiness or i will die
  • strength: application to therapy
    cognitive explanations have been used to deeply effective treatments for depression including cognitive behavioural therapy. this therapies help to identify and challenge negative irrational thoughts and been successfully used to treat people with depression
    a-David et al found using 170 patients suffering from depression that patients treated with 14 weeks of cbt had better treatments then those treated with the drug fluoxetine 6 months after treatment
    k-CBT is more effective at treating depression compared to using drugs
  • another strength: research support
    That depression is linked to irrational thinking. Hammen and krantz found that depressed participants made more error in logic when asked to interpret written material than non-depressed participants
    k-this therefore suggest that negative thinking leads to depression
  • weakness: machine reductionist
    It uses the theoretical models to explain depression. It fails to acknolege other approaches like the biological approach which suggests that genes and neurotransmiters. This is proved by zhang et al who found that the low levels of serotonin in depressed people and has also found that the gene related to this is 10 times more common in peopel with depression.
    k-this therefore suggests that there are other usefull and more scientifically credible explanations
  • another weakness: balmes the individual rather than the situational factors
    This suggests that it is the client who are responsible for their disorders- can be a good thing as it gives them a chance to change how thing are. however it may lead the client/therapists to overlook situational factors eg)not considering how life events might contribute to the disorder
    k- this therefore means that other important factors will be forgotten and dismissed