drug therapy

Cards (5)

  • ao1

    drug therapy attempts increase or decrease levels of neurotransmitters in the blood. This ts general purpose is too lower: arousal blood pressure and heart rate SSRIs increase serotonin levels in the synapses to reduce anxiety. They block the reuptake of serotonin in the
    presynaptic neuron
  • strength ev8dence for the effectiveness of drug therapies
    sonorous reviewed studies of SSRIs finding them more effective then placebos up to 3 months after.This shows th
  • another strength :requires less effort from the user and less time where as in cbt a patient must attend regular meetings and think about how to tackle a problem. Drugs are also cheaper than cbt and require little monitoring from the point of view of the NHS therefore patients may still benefit talking to a doctor in consultations

    strength :drug therapies
  • weakness :side effects
    SSRIS can cause headaches and insomnia. trycilclis can cause hallucinations and irregular heartbeat. This therefore suggests that drug therapy can have negative effects on the body
  • another weakness: research is not accurate and is biassed
    Turner (2008) claims that there is publication bias towards exaggerating the benefits of drug treatments . drug positive research wamere more likely to be published because pharmaceutical companies benefit from the research