Explain what is meant by hierarchy of the courts and RD

Cards (12)

  • What does precedent mean?
    courts must follow the decisions of the higher courts.
  • What is the idea of hierarchy?
    some courts are higher than others, so that decisions in the higher courts bind the lower courts.
  • What is the highest appeal court in England?
    Supreme Court, its decisions bind all the other English courts
  • What is the importance of the Supreme Court?
    it is not bound by its own earlier decisions
  • What allowed the Supreme Court to depart from earlier decisions?
    Practice Statement issued in 1966
  • What did the Practice Statement 1966 allow?
    It allowed the Supreme Court to depart from its own earlier decisions 'when it appears right to do so'
  • What is an example of the Practice Statement 1966 being used in practice?
    Pepper v Hart overruled Davis v Johnson that Hansard could be used to interpret statute
  • What is the second highest appeal court in England?
    Court of Appeal
  • In which case was the Civil Division bound by its own previous decisions?
    Young v Bristol Aeroplane
  • If the liberty of an individual is involved, what can the criminal division do in the court of appeal?

    May take a more flexible approach
  • What does 'Ratio decidendi' mean?
    Reason for decision
  • What does Ratio decidendi become?
    The binding precedent for future cases where the facts of cases are sufficiently similar