social learning theory

Cards (11)

  • Strength is that SLT can increase our understanding of criminal behaviour.FE Akers suggested that probability do engaging in criminal activity increases when exposed to models who commit crimes.They identify with them and develop expectation of positive consequences from criminal behaviour. TMB when we understand what is linked to criminal behaviour we can prevent it.E.g Getting adolescents to join youth groups with positive role models.Therefore approach is useful in reducing crime Rates in society.
  • another strength of SLT is there supporting research for indentification. FE researchers generated virtual human models that looked similar or dissimilar to the participants. participants who viewed the virtual model exercising engaged in more exercises in following 24hours than ppts who viewed model that was dissimilar.TMB greater identification leads to more learning as you can visualise yourself in their place which supports identification.Therefore the feature of identification is reliable as researchers have found similiar findings for feature repeatedly.
  • What is a weakness of Social Learning Theory (SLT)?
    It underestimates the influence of biological factors
  • What consistent finding was observed in the Bobo doll experiments?
    Boys were more aggressive than girls
  • How might hormonal factors explain the aggression observed in boys during the Bobo doll experiments?
    Higher testosterone levels increase aggressive behavior
  • What did Bandura make little reference to in his study?
    Hormonal factors influencing aggression
  • What hormone is present in greater quantities in boys than girls?
  • Why is the Social Learning Theory considered reductionist?
    It oversimplifies complex behavior to observation and imitation
  • How does the reductionist view of SLT affect our understanding of aggression?
    It limits understanding to observation and imitation
  • What is the significance of the Bobo doll experiments in relation to SLT?
    They provide key support for SLT
  • What does the term "reductionist" imply in the context of SLT?
    It implies oversimplification of complex behaviors