Humanistic approach

Cards (8)

  • Strength is that there is real world Application for economic development. A psychologist looked at relationship between economic growth and measure of Maslow levels in 88 countries over 34 year period.Countries in early stages of economic development where characterised by lower level needs.TMB as predicted by Maslow’s model only in advanced stages of economic development that self-actualisation became important.Therefore it is useful as it can be used to increase economic growth as ppl need to better themselves to increase educational enrolment.
  • A strength is that there is research support of conditions of worth. A psychologist discovered that teenagers who feel they have to fullfil certain conditions to gain their parents approval frequently end up not liking themselves.TMB this is consistent with Rogers predictions that adolescents who created a ‘false self’ by pretending to be the kind of person their parents will love, these are more likely to develop depression and lose touch with their true self.Therefore concepts of conditions of worth is reliable.
  • What is a weakness of the humanistic approach in psychology?
    It is considered unrealistic.
  • What do critics argue about human nature in relation to humanistic theories?
    People are not inherently good and growth-oriented.
  • Why is the view of personality development as directed only by innate potential seen as an oversimplification?
    It ignores people's capacity for self-destructive behavior.
  • What does the humanistic assumption suggest about the origin of problems?
    All problems arise from blocked self-actualization.
  • Why might encouraging self-development be inappropriate in modern society?
    It may overlook situational forces affecting individuals.
  • A weakness is that there are cultural differneces in the Order of needs.FE a psychologist carried a study in china and found that belongingness needs wher seen as more fundamental than psychological needs and that self-actualisation was defined more in terms of contribution to communities rather than individual development.TMB some people, needs may appear in a different order or may ne absent altogether, particularly if from collectivist culture.This is borne out by cross-cultural evidence.Therefore approach may be seen as culturally bias.