psychosexual stages

Cards (10)

  • stages
    1. Oral (0–1)
    2. Anal (1-3)
    3. Phallic (3-6)
    4. Latency (6-12)
    5. Genital (12+)
  • genital
    conscious of sexual desires
  • latency
    earlier conflicts repressed
  • phallic
    (pleasure on genital)
    if not resolved it leads too phallic personality
  • anal
    pleasure on anus
    if unresolved it leads to anal retentive / explulsive
  • oral
    pleasure on mouth
    if unresolved it leads to oral fixation (smoking / biting nails)
  • oedipus
    • boys have feelings towards mother
    • hatred towards father
    • develops in phallic stage
    • fear of castration represses feelings
    • copies fathers actions and values instead
  • electra complex
    • penis envy
    • girls desire father
    • hate mother
    • identifies with mother instead
    • replaces desire for father with desire for baby
  • weaknesses of electra complex
    researcher bias - freud applied theory to girls because of criticism
    didn’t give it much thought
  • Little Hans
    Oedipus complex
    had phobia of horses
    symbolic of fear of father and castration