
Cards (8)

  • excitatory neurotransmitters
    • increase likelihood
    • positively charged
  • inhibitory neurotransmitters
    • decrease likelihood
    • negatively charged
  • excitatory neurotransmitters
    • increase the likelihood that an excitatory signal will be sent (acetylcholine and noradrenaline)
    • adrenaline is a hormone and neurotransmitter, resulting in post synaptic membrane becoming positively charged
    • positively charged means that it is easier for the membrane to reach the threshold for when a new action potential is sent
  • inhibitory neurotransmitters
    • decrease the likelihood that an inhibitory signal will be sent (serotonin and GABA)
    • serotonin results in post synaptic membrane becoming negatively charged
    • negatively charged means that it is harder for the membrane to reach the threshold for when a new action potential is sent
  • summation
    the sum of the effects of the inhibitory and excitatory neurotransmitters
  • more excitatory - more likely the threshold will be met (so action potential is sent)
  • more inhibitory - less likely theshold will be reached (so action potential is not sent)
  • summation
    the net effect of the sum of excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters