AO3: Investment Model

Cards (4)

  • Strength: Research support
    What? Support from meta-analysis
    Who? Le and Agnew - 52 studies (11,000 participants; 5 countries) - all factors predicted commitment
    Why? Increased validity
  • Counterpoint: Research support
    What? Correlational studies do not show cause
    Who? Direction of causality reverse of what's suggested
    Why? Unclear if model has identified causes of commitment
  • Strength: Explains abusive relationships
    What? Explains relationships involving intimate partner violence (IPV)
    Who? Rusbult and Martz - those more likely to return to an abusive partner are those who invested most
    Why? Commitment and investment factors
  • Limitation: Oversimplifies investment
    What? Investment viewed as one-dimensional
    Who? Goodfriend and Agnew - extended Rusbult's model to include investment partners make into future plans
    Why? Original model limited