Systematic densisitation eval

Cards (5)

  • What is strength (supported by research)
    -Gilroy et al. (2003) studied 42 patients who had SD as a treatment for their spider phobia over three 45 minutes sessions
    -She found that at both 3 and 33 months they were less fearful and more in control of their phobia compared to the control group, who had not had any SD therapy
    -This supports the effectiveness of SD as a treatment for phobias
  • What is a weakness? (only treats symptoms not causes)
    -only treats observable measurable symptoms of phobias meaning cognitions and emotions which are often motivators of behaviour are ignored
    -This inability to address the cause of the phobia means that the phobia may return
    -Thus SD has limited usefulness
  • What is another weakness? (cannot deal with phobia outside of therapy)
    -Some patients may struggle to deal with the phobia outside of the therapy sessions
    -They may not be able to apply what they have learned to real, everyday situations, particularly without guidance from the therapist
    -This reduces the external validity of the theory behind the treatment
  • What is another weakness? (vivid imagination)
    -SD relies on a person being able to imagine the fearful situation.
    -some people cannot create vivid images required for this to work
    -therefore may not be a valid treatment for everyone
  • what is a strength (less trauma)
    -sd is preferred by most patients as it is less traumatic
    -no ethical objections to SD as clients have control over treament
    -therefore people are less likely to drop out and there is a low attrition rate