Evolutionary explanations for partner preferences

Cards (19)

  • What is sexual selection?
    Behaviours that increase reproductive success are passed on and may become exaggerated over succeeding generations of offspring
  • What is intra-sexual selection?
    Members of one sex (males) compete for access to the other sex (females) leading to male-female dimorphism
  • What is inter-sexual selection?
    One sex (females) chooses from available prospective mates (males) according to attractiveness
  • Discuss the Parental investment theory
    • Males investment in offspring is relatively small and the best way to maximise reproductive success is to mate as often as possible
    • Females investments in offspring is substantial and the best chance of reproductive success is to ensure the survival of a smaller number of offspring
  • What gender differences in choosiness does research suggest?
    Women value resources more than men
  • What was the key study conducted by Buss in 1989?
    Questionnaires with 10,000 participants
  • What demographic information was covered in Buss's study?
    Age and gender of participants
  • What preferences were participants asked about in Buss's study?
    Marriage and mate characteristics
  • What did the results of Buss's study reveal about women and men?
    Women valued resources; men valued youth
  • Why have women evolved to select males who can provide resources?
    Due to limited access to resources historically
  • What factor limits men's access in the context of Buss's study?
    Limited access to fertile women
  • What is a limitation of Buss's study regarding cultural representation?
    It was difficult to include less educated populations
  • What does CBS cultural research suggest about sexual selection?
    There is strong evidence for universality
  • What percentage of men agreed to have sex in Clark & Hatfield's study?
    75% of men agreed to sex
  • What was the sample used in Claim & Hatfield's research?
    Male and female students
  • What were the three requests made in the study?
    1. Go out on a date that night
    2. Go back to their house
    3. Have sex with them
  • What percentage of men and women agreed to go on a date?
  • What percentage of women agreed to have sex in the study?
    None of the women
  • How does the study support the evolutionary theory?
    It shows differing sexual behaviors between genders