Cards (6)

    • What is the Behaviourist Approach?

      A way of explaining behaviour in terms of learning/observable behaviour
    • What are the assumptions of the Behaviourist Approach?
      • Rejects introspection
      • The basic processes that govern learning are the same in all species
      • Two forms of learning: Classical & Operant Conditioning
      • Baby’s are ‘blank slates’ that are written on by experience
    • Describe the process of Classical Conditioning
      • Food (unconditioned stimulus) causes dog salivation (unconditioned response)
      • Bell (neutral stimulus) produces no response
      • Bell + food causes salivation
      • Bell (conditioned stimulus) causes salivation (conditioned response)
      • Learning through association
    • What is Operant Conditioning? (Skinner)
      • When behaviour is shaped by the consequences
      • Positive/negative reinforcement and punishment
    • What are Skinner's 4 types of consequences of behaviour?
      • Positive reinforcement (+): Receiving a reward when a behaviour is performed
      • Positive punishment (+): Adding an unpleasant stimulus as a consequence of behaviour
      • Negative reinforcement (-): Occurs when an unpleasant stimulus is removed
      • Negative punishment (-): Taking something good or desirable away to reduce the occurrence of a particular behaviour
    • Describe Skinner's experiment into operant conditioning
      • Rat in a box
      • When rat activated lever=food pellet dropped into box
      • Rat would continue to press lever
      • Food pellets stop=no longer press lever (extinction)