Cards (11)

  • What is the first thing that CBT involves
    -cognitive elements: identify and challenge irrational and negative thoughts
  • What is the 2nd thing CBT involves
    -Behavioural elements: Test these beliefs through behavioural hw
  • What is central to any form of CBT
    -Challenging irrational thoughts.
    -Beck and Ellis created their own versions of CBT
  • What does CBT begin with
    -a collaborative assessment
    -Patient and therapist work together to identify problems
    -Plan goals for therapy and create a plan for treatment
  • What is the key goal of Beck's cognitive therapy
    -identify automatic negative thoughts about the world, self, future and challenge these thoughts either directly or through outside tasks
  • The patient and therapist..
    -will work together to identify and challenge negative thoughts by finding evidence either for or against them
    -patients are encouraged to test the reality of their negative thoughts inside and outside of therapy
  • Outline Ellis' Rational Emotive Behavioural Therapy (REBT)
    -model is extended to ABCDEF
    -D: disrupting irrational thoughts
    -E: Effects of Disrupting
    -F: new feelings that are produced
  • There are 3 types of disrupting. What are they?
    -Logical: does it make sense to think this way
    -Empirical: What evidence is there that this is true
    -Pragmatic: How is thinking like this going to help
  • REBT focuses on
    -Challenging and disrupting irrational thoughts and beliefs and replacing them with effective rational thoughts which will make the individual feel better
  • There are also out of therapy tasks to be completed such as
    -Such as recording events they have enjoyed or when people have been nice to them
    -helps patients to identify irrational thoughts and challenge them to change their beliefs outside therapy
  • Another out of therapy task is Behavioural activation. What does this mean?
    -Encouraging patients to engage in active pleasurable activities
    -Breaks patients out of the cycle of inactivity and depression