Two process model eval

    Cards (5)

    • What is a weakness? (not everyone has a traumatic experience to trace their phobia back to)
      -some people have phobias to stimuli never encountred before
      -an alternative explanation could be social learning theory.
      -a child might see their parent react fearfully to something and feel motivated through vicarious reinforcement to imitate this.
      -This coupled with avoidance could lead to a phobia
    • What is another weakness? (cognitive aspects to phobias that cannot be explained by traditionally behaviourist framework)
      -CA would suggest that phobias are a result of irrational thinking
      -this approach may be more valued as it can inform cognitive therapies for phobias such as CBT which may be more effective than behaviourist treatments
    • What is strength? (research support)
      -Barlow and Durand (1995) showed that in cases of individuals with phobia of driving 50% had been involved in a road accident
      -through classical conditioning the road accident an UCS had turned driving into CS for those now with the phobia
    • What is a strength(1960's operant conditioning explanations)
      -in the 1960's two process model went beyond classical conditioning and explained how phobias could be maintained over time
      -this had important prac explanations for therapies bc it explained why patients need to be exposed to feared stimulus.
      -Once a patient is prevented from practicing their avoidance behaviours the behaviour ceases to be reinforces so it declines
    • What is another strength(can explain social phobias)
      -operant conditioning van also explain how social phobias (agoraphobias) develop from a specific phobia
      -people are anxious they'll experience a panic attack in social situations and so avoid them.