Cards (6)

  • Who found evidence of the specific role of female choosiness in heterosexual partner preference?
    Clark and Hatfield
  • Findings of Clark and Hatfield’s study

    No single female student agreed to request to ‘go to bed’ but 75 % of the male students did immediately
  • Why is the argument from sexual selection that one strategy is adaptive for all males and another is adaptive for all females simplistic?
    Appears that strategies differ according to the length of the relationship. Sexual strategies theory suggested by Buss and Schmitt argues that both males and females adopt similar mating strategies when seeking long term relationships with both sexes being very choosy and looking for patterns who are loving, loyal and kind
  • Another strength is that there is cross-cultural support of sexual selection
    Buss carried out a survey of over 10,000 adults in 33 countries. He asked questions relating to a variety of attributes that evolutionary theory predicts are important in partner preference. He found that females placed greater value on resource-related characteristics whereas males valued physical attractiveness and youth
  • One limitation is that evolutionary theories overlook the influences of social and cultural factors on partner preference
    Partner preferences influenced by rapid changing social norms of behaviour. Cultural factors like availability of contraception. Women’s greater role in the workplace means they don’t have to depend on men to provide for them. Beresczkei et al. argue that this social change has consequences for women’s mate preferences, which may no longer be resource-oriented
  • Limitation: cannot explain the partner preference of gay men and lesbian women
    Homosexual coupes not assessing genetic fitness. Lawson et al. assessed ‘personal ads’ placed by heterosexual and homosexual men and women (what they’re looking for in a partner and what they’re offering). Found that preference of homosexual men and women differ just as they do in heterosexual men and women (men emphasising physical attractiveness and women emphasised resources). Therefore, not a full explanation