Social roles

Cards (25)

  • what are social roles ?
    The parts individuals play as members of a social group, which meet the expectations of that situation
  • which type of conformity do social roles have ?
  • What was the aim of Zimbardo's prison experiment?
    To investigate conformity to social roles
  • How many male university students volunteered for the study?
    75 male university students
  • How many students were selected for the experiment?
    21 students were selected
  • What was the payment for participating in the study?
    $15 a day
  • How were the participants assigned to the roles of guards and prisoners?
    Random basis selection
  • Who played the role of the prison superintendent?
    Zimbardo himself
  • Where was the mock prison set up?
    In the basement of Stanford University
  • What measures were taken to increase realism in the experiment?
    Prisoners were arrested by real police
  • What did the prisoners wear to enhance dehumanization?
    Numbered smocks
  • What did the guards wear during the experiment?
    Khaki uniforms and reflective sunglasses
  • How many prisoners were placed in each cell?
    Three prisoners per cell
  • How long was the study originally planned to run?
    Two weeks
  • How long did the study actually last before it was stopped?
    Six days
  • What was a noticeable effect of de-individuation among prisoners?
    They referred to themselves by numbers
  • Why was the study stopped prematurely?
    Due to harm and aggressive behavior
  • What happened after the initial prisoner rebellion?
    Dehumanization increased among guards
  • How did the guards behave towards the prisoners?
    They became sadistic and taunted them
  • How did the remaining prisoners react to the study's termination?
    They were delighted at the decision
  • What did both guards and prisoners express in later interviews?
    Surprise at their uncharacteristic behaviors
  • What conclusion can be drawn about individuals in social roles?
    They conform to roles overriding morals
  • What social influences did guards and prisoners demonstrate?
    Roles gained from media and learned models
  • What was a significant individual difference noted in the evaluation?
    Not all guards behaved brutally
  • What ethical concern was raised about the experiment?
    It caused psychological harm to participants