Social Learning Theory

Cards (12)

  • Observation
    People learn by watching others.
  • Imitation
    People imitate the behaviors and attitudes they observe.
  • Reinforcement
    Positive or negative reinforcement can speed up learning.
  • Social Learning Theory
    A theory that states people learn through observing and imitating others.
    The process by which individuals develop their sense of masculinity or femininity.
    Stereotypical behaviors and attitudes associated with being male or female.
    Overly simplified and inaccurate generalizations about groups of people based on their gender.
  • Gender Stereotypes
    Oversimplified and inaccurate generalizations about groups of people based on their gender.
  • What is the role of Direct Reinforcement in SLT gender development?

    Direct Reinforcement influences which behaviour children choose to imitate. Children who imitate behaviour typical for their sex are more likely to be positively reinforced.
  • Direct Reinforcement encourages children to show gender stereotypical behaviour.
  • What is a study that supports children learning via Social Learning Theory?

    Snowsuit Study
    4-6 month old babies were dressed in either pink or blue clothes, regardless of their actual sex. Babies dressed in blue more likely to be praised for active playing; babies in pink more likely to be praised for being passive.
    Supports claim that children learn gender behaviour through association of gender stereotypical behavior.
    • The Snowsuit study has scientific credibility it was a lab experiment taking place in highly controlled conditions.
    • This means that we can be sure that the only thing influencing the behaviour of the adults is the children.