Biological Explanations

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  • There may be a genetic basis to gender dysphoria. Research suggests an identical twin of a person with gender dysphoria is more likely to experience gender dysphoria than a non-identical twin of someone with gender dysphoria.
  • Hormones may also influence the development of gender dysphoria. It may be caused by over exposure or under exposure to testosterone in the womb.
  • There is evidence from twin studies that gender dysphoria is influenced by genetics. One study found concordance rate for GD of MZ twins was 39% whilst a 0% for DZ twins. As MZ twins share more genes that DZ twins, this suggests there are genes which influene whether an individual develops GD.
  • However twin studies lack credibility as they consist of small samples. So lacks population validity.
  • Biological explanations of gender dysphoria are reductionist as GD is a complex condition involving a misture of attitudes, behaviours and feelings that do not match the persons sex.
  • Biological explanations are favoured by people with GD as they have a persistent, strong desire to alter their sex, despite the stigma people with GD often face in society. Suggests a biological cause as the individuals gender identity seems to be a natural part of their personality, something they were born with.