Cards (8)

  • Easy to implement
    Easy to be administered. No need for experts or specialists unlike other forms of treatment like anger management. But token economy systems can be implemented virtually by anyone in any institution. Cost-effective and easily followed once workable methods established.
  • Reliance on staff (Easy to implement)
    Consistent approach needed from staff. Blanchard found any benefits were lost after staff inconsistently applied techniques such as lack of appropriate training.
  • Little rehabilitative value

    Blackburn argues behaviour modification has little rehab value and any positive changes in behaviour offenders gain will quickly be lost shortly after release.
  • Prison vs outside (Little rehabilitative value)

    Token economy system is best at when it establishes appropriate conduct within prison but is unlikely to extend beyond this because law abiding behaviour is not always reinforced outside.
  • Ethical issues

    Behaviour modification regarded as manipulative and dehumanising by several critics. In an institution using token economy, participation is obligatory for all offenders rather than optional. Criticis suggest that a programme which may involve withdrawal of privelages may be unethical.
  • Passive token learning

    Behaviour modification only deals with surface behaviour of superficial learning. Other treatments like anger management are much more active in their approach as the individual is required to reflec on the cause of their offence and is given greater responsibility on rehab.
  • Offenders are not genuine (Passive token learning)

    Offenders also play along with token economy system to get rewards but overall there is little change in their character and thus offender will regress back to their former behaviour.
  • Individually tailored programmes are most effective

    Field et al examined a token economy systems used with young people with behaviour problems. The programme was generally effective. Later these youths were placed on a special programme where rewards were more frequent and the results were positive. Suggests maximum effectiveness needed so that rewards and frequency of behaviour suit each individual.