Contemporary study: Sebastian and Hernandez-Gil

    Cards (7)

    • What was the aim of sebastian and Hernandez study?

      > see the development of phonological loop of working model memory
      > used verbal digit span to measure this
    • what was the procedure of sebastian and hernandez study?
      > field experiment
      > IV = year of schooling DV = mean verbal digit span
      > tested individually during breaktimes
      > digits increased by one in length each time ( 3 sequences of 3 digits, 3 sequences of 4 digits)
      > had to repeat in order
    • who were the sample of Sebastian and Hernandezs study?
      > 575 children - pre primary to secondary in Madrid
    • what were Sebastian’s and Hernandezs findings?
      > clear increase with age but then stabilised
      age 5 - mean:3.76
      age 11 - mean:5.28
      age 17 - mean:5.81
      > compared to people with dementia - similar to healthy elderly people
      > previously stdied 9 patients with FvFTD - mean wasn’t significantly different to a 5/6 year old
    • strenghths of Sebastian and Hernandezs study?
      > standardised procedure - one digit per second
      > internal validity
    • weaknesses of sebastian and hernandez study?
      > one of the samples was small - 9 participants with FvFTD
      > not generalisable
      > may not have enough statistical power to reject null hypothesis
    • application of hernandez and Sebastian’s study?
      > people with longer digit span are better readers and have higher intelligence
      > people with short digit span is associated with dyslexia