Classical conditioning

    Cards (4)

    • Basic assumptions
      • Animals share same principles of learning
      • Mind is born as blank state and everything is learned through environment
      • Behaviour is learned
    • Pavlov
      • Believed behaviour is shaped through association of events with one another
      • Found that dogs automatically learned to salivate to new stimulus if it was repeatedly paired with food
    • Responses and Stimuli
      • UCS - triggers an automatic response without any prior learning
      • UCR - unlearned response that occurs naturally in reaction to UCS
      • NS - initially produces no specific response other than focusing attention
      • CS - when a neutral object, action or person is connected to a specific response overtime
      • CR - a learned response to a previously neutral stimulus
      NS always become CS
      UCS - UCR
      UCS and NS - UCR
      CS - CR
    • Little Albert
      • Conditioned to be afraid of familiar objects by generalising his phobia
      • Dog, monkey, rabbit, fire and white rat showed to him
      • White rat showed again but Watson would bang metal pipes together
      • Albert would cry when introduced to these objects again
      UCS - loud noise
      UCR - fear
      CS and NS - fluffy animals
      CR - fear