Cultural variations for attachment

Cards (5)

  • Procedure of cultural variations for attachment study
    Van ijzendoorn and kroonenburg meta analysis, same strange situation procedures, measire attachment in 8 countries with 32 studies using 2000 children
  • Findings of cultural variations for attachment study
    countries: Britain, sweden, japan, netherlands, USA, israel, germany, china.
    Overall secure was most common then avoidant then resistant.
    Britain most secure (75%), Germany + netherland high avoidant (35%+26%), israel + japan high resistant (29%+27%)
  • What is a strength of the cultural variations for attachment study
    High validity = researchers shared nationality of participants, few language misunderstandings, less mistakes more valid results
  • What is a weakness of the cultural variations for attachment study 

    overrepresentation of western culture = most of the 32 studies were in the USA
  • What is a weakness of the cultural variations in attachment study
    Culturally bias to west = eastern babies are separated less so anxiety would be more extreme