Cards (7)

  • Tables:
    • Presents quantitative data in a summary format.
    • Do not show raw scores, but instead show descriptive statistics
  • Scatter graph:
    • Shows the relationship between 2 sets of data
    • Indicates the strength / direction of the correlation
    • Cannot establish cause / effect
  • Histograms:
    • Continuous data (e.g. age). 
    • There should be no space between the bars, because the data is continuous
  • Bar chart:
    • Shows frequency data for discrete (separate) variables. 
    • For example, bar charts are used to plot mean scores for conditions A & B separately.
  • Normal Distribution:
    • MEAN , MEDIAN & MODE at the CENTRE
  • Positive Skew:
    • TAIL points to the RIGHT
    • Mode- always at the HIGHEST point (most FREQUENT)
    • MEAN is GREATER than the MEDIAN (look at X-AXIS)
  • Negative Skew:
    • TAIL points to the LEFT
    • Mode- always at the HIGHEST point (most FREQUENT)
    • MEDIAN is GREATER than the MEAN (look at X-AXIS)