Improving EWT

    Cards (9)

    • The cognitive interview is used
    • 1 - Report Everything
      Witnesses are encouraged to include every single detail of the event
      Trivial memories are important and may trigger other memories of the event
    • 2 - Mental reinstatement
      The witness should enter the original event ‘in their mind’ and imagine the environment and their emotions
      This can act as context-dependant forgetting
    • 3 - Change the order
      Events should also be recalled in different chronological order to the original sequence
      Prevents people reporting their expectations of what happened, rather than the actual events
      Also prevents dishonesty (Hard to produce an untruthful account when its reversed)
    • 4 - Change Perspective
      Recall the incidence from other peoples perspective
      Disrupts the effect of expectations and schema on recall
      The schema you have of a particular setting generates expectations of what would have happened
    • The enhanced cognitive interview adds further methods
      Open ended questions
      calming the witness
      Minimising distraction
      managing eye contact
      getting the witness to speak slowly
    • Weaknesses
      The cognitive interview is time consuming - the police believe the CI takes much longer than the regular police interviews - the police don’t have time (eg a serial killer may be on the lose)
      The cognitive interview is expensive - The CI requires extensive training, which isn't affordable on the publics tax
    • Strengths
      A meta analysis into the enhanced cognitive interview, cognitive interview and regular interviews
      More correct information was found through the cognitive interview than regular interviews
      However, there was also a 61% rise in incorrect info
    • Could it work well with all witnesses
      Young children - not able to perspective change properly, may not be able to remember many details or change the order
      Older witnesses - may not trust their memory, therefore may benefit from the cognitive interview