Cards (3)

  • Strength- Supporting evidence for classical conditioning:
    • Little Albert experiment (conducted by WATSON & RAYNOR)
    • Boy conditioned to have a phobia of white rats- researchers hammered steel bar behind his back (Albert conditioned to develop a phobia of other furry objects)
    • Increases the validity- demonstrates concept of classical conditioning in a real-world context 
  • Weakness- Opposing theory for classical and operant conditioning:
    • Core beliefs- behaviour is learnt through classical or operant conditioning
    • Biological Approach- argues that genes play an important role in determining behaviour
    • Decreases the validity of the approach- near exclusion of innate / inherited factors that influence behaviour
  • Strength- High Testability:
    • Lab experiments used in classical and operant conditioning (testing)
    • High control over extraneous variables
    • Data obtained- objective and measurable
    • High scientific credibility