any variable other than the independent variable that may affect the dependent variable.
what are confounding variables?
a type of EV that varies systematically with the iv, therefore we can't tell if any change in the DV is due to the iv or the confounding variables.
what are demand charaterisitics?
a cue from the researcher or from the research situation that may be interpreted by participants as revealing the purpose of an investigation.
what is randomisation?
Randomisation is the process of assigning participants or subjects to different groups or conditions in a study randomly, to ensure unbiased and fair allocation.
what is standardisation?
using exactly the same formalised procedures and instructions for all participants in a research study.
what is operationalisation?
clearly defining variables in terms of how they can be measures.
what is experimental design?
the different ways in which participants can be organised in relation the experimental conditions.
online idependent group design
participants are split up into 2 groups and each only experience one level of IV. the mean score is then compared.
outline repeated measure
All participants experience all levels of IV and then the 2 mean scores from both conditions would be compared.
Outline matched pairs
Participants would be paired up based on a trait relevant to the study and then split into different conditions. e.g IQ in a memory study.