Animals breed and grow faster so we test findings quicker across generations
What is imprinting in lorenz’s gosling study
imprinting is birds attaching and following the first moving thing they see.
procedures in Lorenz’s Gosling study
group one birthed in incubator who saw Lorenz first, group two was naturally born who saw mother first
Findings in Lorenz’s Gosling study
Groups followed their first sight (imprinting) with a few hour critical period
What is sexual imprinting in lorenz’s gosling study
(Later in geese life), if imprinted on human they tried to mate with a human
What were the procedures of Harlows Rhesus Monkey experiment
16 monkeys in cage with wire mother and a cloth mother, half had milk from wire half had milk from cloth
Findings of Harlows Rhesus monkey study
All monkeys sought comfort from cloth mother, concluded comfort overrides food. Monkey died if caged alone but lived if had something to cuddle in experimental groups
Conclusions from Harlows rhesus monkey study
Maternal deprivation: prolonged separation from mother negatively affects development, later in life these monkeys had social problems like aggression, repeated with only wire mother > found very dysfunctional monkeys
What is a general strength of animal studies
They grow and breed quicker, allows for more replication and more data which makes studies more reliable
Weakness of Lorenz gosling study
Birds attach differently to mammals, mammals more emotional so not completely applicable to humans
Weakness of Lorenz gosling study
Imprinting was not permanent, Laterresearch found after life experience sexual imprinting can be reversed
Strength of Harlowsmonkeysstudy
Harlow changed attachment understanding showing the importance of comfort over food
What is a strength of animal studies in attachment
Application to real life > damage of maternal deprivation > introduce key workers in child care
Weakness of animal studies of attachment
Its unethical to treat animals how they were treated