Humanistic Psychology

Cards (9)

  • Maslow's hierarchy of need
    Physiological - Food, water, sleep
    Safety - Safe from danger, employment, good health and home
    Love and belonging - Friendship, intimacy
    Self esteem - Confidence, achievement, respected by others
    Self actualisation
    Lower needs must be met first as there will be an efficiency if they r not met
    There is a 6th layer - self transcendence
  • Self - actualisation
    Desire for self fulfilment
    Desire to become everything you are capable of
    Reach your potential
    Motivated by needs
    Personal growth - developing and changing as a person
  • Free will
    Humans are self determining
    We have the ability to determine our own development
    Person centred approach - we are all unique
  • Conditions of worth
    A parent who sets boundaries or limits on their love for their child is setting up psychological issues for their child in the future
    Issues such as: worthlessness and low self esteem roots in childhood due to a lack of unconditioned positive regard.
  • Rogers
    For personal growth to be achieved an individual's concept of self must have congruence with ideal self
  • Counselling Psychology
    Client rather than patient
    Non - directive therapy
    Client is encouraged towards the discovery of their own solutions within a therapeutic atmosphere
    Aim: to increase self worth, reduce the level of incongruence between the self concept and the ideal self
  • Strength
    Not reductionist - holistic
    More validity as it considers meaningful human behaviour in its real life context
    However it is not scientific in its approach
  • Strength
    It is optimistic.
    Humanistic psychologists have been praised for bringing the person back into psychology and promoting a positive image of the human condition.
    Freud saw human beings as prisoners of their past and claimed all of us existed between unhappiness and despair
    In contrast, humanistic psychologists see all humans as good and in control of their lives.
  • Limitation
    It is culturally biased
    Individualist culture: associated with autonomy and personal growth
    Collectivist culture: emphasise the needs of the group and interdependence self actualisation may not be as important.