forgetting: retrieval failure

    Cards (9)

    • retrieval failure:
      • forgetting occurs due to insufficient cues
      • cues are stored, if not available at time of recall - retrieval failure
      • accessibility not availability problem
    • encoding specificity principle (Tulving):
      • cue has to be present at both encoding + retrieval - if cues are different forgetting will occur
      • context dependent forgetting = external
      • state dependent forgetting = internal
    • context dependent (Godden + Baddeley):
      • deep sea divers divided in 4 groups
      • learn words on land, recall on land + vice versa
      • learn words on land, recall underwater + vice versa
    • context dependent findings:
      • accurate recall was 40% lower in non matching conditions
      • external cues at time of learning were different from cues available - led to retrieval failure
    • state dependent (carter + cassaday):
      • divided into 4 conditions using antihistamines
      • learn words on drug, recall on drug + vice versa
      • learn words on drug, recall sober + vice versa
    • state dependent findings:
      • accurate recall was significantly lower in non matching conditions
      • internal cues available at learning were different from ones available at recall - retrieval failure
    • EVALUATION: research support
      • in addition to previous studies, researchers have found evidence of state dependent forgetting with different substances
      • darley et al - impact of marijuana on recollection, under influence = were less able to recall where they put their money when they were not under influence
      • adds weight to argument - emotional + physiological state at time of encoding is important
    • EVALUATION: questioning context effects
      • baddeley argued contexts have to be very different for effect to be seen
      • hard to find environment as different as land and water - learning something in room + recalling in another is not likely to result in much forgetting
      • real life applications to retrieval failure due to contextual cues may not explain forgetting
    • EVALUATION: recall vs recognition
      • context may depend on type of memory being tested
      • godden + baddeley - replicated experiment, used recognition not recall, say whether they recognised word from list - no context dependent effect + performance was same in all 4 conditions
      • limited explanation, only applies when person has to recall not recognise