optimal level of anxiety - beyond this recall suffers drastic decline
EVALUATION: unusualness not anxiety
weapon focus effect may not test effects of anxiety
pickel = people focus on weapon to surprise not fear, used scissors, handgun, wallet + raw chicken in hairdressing salon - worse testimonies in high unusualness e.g chicken + handgun
weapon focus is due to unusualness not anxiety - tells us nothing about effects of anxiety
EVALUATION: research support
christianson + hubinette - interviewed 58 witnesses about bank robberies in sweden - some directly, some indirectly involved
recall was >75% accurate across all witnesses, direct were even more accurate
findings confirm anxiety doesnt reduce recall - similar findings to yuille + cutshall's research, reliable explanation
EVALUATION: methodological limitations
natural/field experiments e.g christianson + hubinette - limited control over interviewing time (post event discussions) - may be affected by CVs
lab= higher control of CVs, but anxiety is manipulated - results in artificial task where demand characteristics influence validity
much research has considerable methodological limitations, difficult to draw valid conclusions