Cards (8)

  • Bickman (1974) investigated the power of uniform in a field experiment conducted in New York. He found that guards were obeyed on 76% of occasions, whereas a milkman and normal pedestrians were obeyed less (47% and 30% respectfully).
  • Milgram's experiment found 65% of participants obeyed to the experimenter wearing the scientific lab coat.
  • People in authority wearing uniform are more likely to gain respect and obedience from others.
  • Support for the variable of uniform comes from Milgram's study where 65% of participants obeyed to the experimenter wearing the scientific lab coat.
  • Bickman's study supports proximity as he found that guards in uniform were obeyed on 76% of occasions, where as milkman and normal pedestrians were obeyed less.
  • Original Study-> Experimenter wore a grey lab coat as a symbol of his authority.
  • When Milgram carried out his variations, the experimenter was called away at the start by an important phone call, and 'ordinary member of the public' came in, in everyday clothes rather than a lab coat.
  • The rate of obedience dropped to 20.5% when the confederate wore ordinary clothes. This is the lowest it's ever dropped to.