
Cards (14)

  • Nature
    Abilities are innate or born. Heredity influences are more important
  • Heredity
    The genetic transmission of both genetic and physical characteristics that pass from one generation to another
  • Nurture
    Environment and experiences are more influential. Abilities come from learning
  • The interactionist Approach
    Behaviour does not necessarily derive from nature or nurture solely it consists of both so the nature-nurture debate is about how they both interact
  • Diathesis stress model
    • Suggests behaviour is caused when a biological or environmental vulnerability is paired with a biological or environmental trigger this
    • Includes both nature and nurture
  • Epigenetics
    • Refers to a change in genetic activity without changing the genes themselves
    • Happens through life and is due to interaction with the environment
    • Trauma and smoking can leave 'marks' on our DNA and can have lifelong influences even after it is gone
    • It can also influence the DNA of our children
  • Epigenetic research support
    • Male mice were given an electric shock when they smelt a cherry blossom smell
    • They were then conditioned to develop a fear response to the cherry blossom smell
    • When these mice bred their children also developed a fear response to the smell even though they never experienced shocks
    • They experienced epigenetic changes
  • Measuring nature and nurture
    • The degree to which two people are similar on a particular trait can be represented by a correlation coefficient and is called concordance
    • The extent to which a trait is inherited is heritability
    • A score of 1 means genes are the only reason for individual differences
    • IQ is said to be 0.5 as half a person's intelligence is said to be genetic and the other is environmental
  • Support for both nature and nurture: Brain Plasticity
    • The idea the brain can change and reorganise its structure (nature) as a result of experiences in life (nurture)
    • Taxi driver research showed the taxi drivers as a result of navigating London increasing their experiences in life managed to change their brain structure
    • This shows how both nature and nurture interact
  • Support for both nature and nurture: Twin Studies in OCD
    • Concordance rates for monozygotic twins for OCD is 68% and for dizygotic twins is 31%
    • Monozygotic twins share 100% of the same DNA so the concordance rates is not 100% when it should be
    • Suggests that the environment may play a factor in developing OCD
  • AO3: Support from epigenetics
    • Environmental effects can span generations
    • Mice research with the cherry blossom and electric shock show how the fear response spanned generations despite the offspring not experiencing the shock themselves
    • This shows how this left marks on the DNA which can impact how the gene is displayed for offspring
  • AO3 Nature-Nurture : Support from the Diathesis Stress Model
    • Used to explain disorders such as schizophrenia and suggest that people may be born with certain genes that predispose them to develop a disorder
    • Identical twin studies research has shown that both twins may not develop a disorder even if one already has
    • The expression of a gene depends on experience or psychological stressors that trigger the condition
    • May only be expressed if triggered through environmental triggers
  • AO3 Nature-Nurture: Real World Application
    • OCD is a highly heritable disorder
    • The heritability rate is 0.76
    • Such understanding can lead to genetic counselling
    • They can understand the likelihood of developing the disorder and preventing it also
  • AO3 Nature-nurture: Hard to pull apart
    • Research for this approach is misguided and nature and nurture are not two entities that can easily be pulled apart
    • People create their own 'nurture' by actively selecting
    • An aggressive child may be comfortable around people similar to them
    • These people will then influence their development
    • Looking at evidence on nature and nurture is useless