Stages of attachment

Cards (18)

  • Attachment is a strong emotional and reciprocal bond between 2 people
  • Reciprocity is when the infant and caregiver take turns responding to eachother through verbal and facial expressions
  • Interactional synchrony is when a mother and infant mirror eachother
  • Higher levels of synchrony = better quality attachment [ isabella et al. ]
  • Primary attachment at 7 months, secondary attachment at 18 months
  • It is difficult to know what is happening when observing babies, or if the imitation is deliberate
  • A baby is not aware it is being observed so behaviour is completely natural [often filmed for detail ]
  • Stages of attachment were researched by schaffer and emerson
  • Four stages of attachment
    Discriminate [specific ]
    Multiple attachments
  • Asocial stage
    0 - 8 weeks .
    Behaviour towards humans and objects is similar
    Preferance for faces / familiar people
    Happier around humans
    Smile at anyone
  • Indiscriminate stage
    2 - 7 months
    Recognise and smile more at familiar people
    Preference for people over objects
    Accept comfort from any adult
  • Discriminate stage
    7 - 12 months
    Primary attachment to one person
    Stranger and separation anxiety
  • Multiple attachments
    12 months +
    Secondary attachments with familiar adults
    Attachments depend on consistency of relationship
    Separation anxiety
  • Schaffer and Emerson investigated early attachments in 60 babies from working class glasgow [31 m 29 f] mothers were questioned on the babies behaviour every month for a year and again at 18 months
  • One weakness is that all babies were from working class Glasgow, results may not be generalisable to other cultures
  • One strength is the standardised questions used, making the study repeatable
  • One weakness is that the mothers response may be biased, or be changed because of demand characteristics, and not accurate of the babies real behaviour
  • One strength is the results uses in childcare and informing new families about how to best care for babies