Attachment is a strong emotional and reciprocal bond between 2 people
Reciprocity is when the infant and caregiver take turns respondingtoeachother through verbalandfacialexpressions
Interactional synchrony is when a motherandinfantmirroreachother
Higher levels of synchrony = betterqualityattachment [ isabella et al. ]
Primary attachment at 7 months, secondary attachment at 18 months
It is difficult to know whatishappening when observingbabies, or if the imitationisdeliberate
A baby is notaware it is being observed so behaviour is completelynatural [often filmedfordetail ]
Stages of attachment were researched by schaffer and emerson
Four stages of attachment
Discriminate [specific ]
Multiple attachments
Asocial stage
0 - 8 weeks .
Behaviour towards humansandobjectsissimilar
Preferance for faces / familiarpeople
Smile at anyone
Indiscriminate stage
2 - 7months
Recognise and smilemoreatfamiliarpeople
Preference for peopleoverobjects
Accept comfortfromanyadult
Discriminate stage
7 - 12 months
Primary attachment to oneperson
Stranger and separationanxiety
Multiple attachments
Secondaryattachments with familiaradults
Attachments depend on consistencyofrelationship
Schaffer and Emerson investigated earlyattachments in 60 babies from workingclassglasgow [31 m 29 f] mothers were questionedon the babiesbehavioureverymonthforayear and again at 18months
One weakness is that all babies were from workingclassGlasgow, results maynotbegeneralisable to othercultures
One strength is the standardisedquestions used, makingthestudyrepeatable
One weakness is that the mothers response maybebiased, or be changedbecause of demand characteristics, and notaccurate of the babiesrealbehaviour
One strength is the results usesinchildcare and informingnewfamilies about howtobestcareforbabies