Proxy - Use victims device as a source device to launch other attacks and activities
FTP (filetransferprotocol) - enables unauthorized file transfer
Security softwaredisabler - stops antivirus program or firewall from functioning
DoS - Trojan slows or halts network
Keylogger - Records key strokes
Threat actors often use amplification and reflection techniques to create DoS attacks. For example a Smurf attack is used to overwhelm a target, this is done by:
Sending an echo request spoofed as from the victim's IP
All requested devices send echo replies to the vicim's IP
IP address spoofing attacks occur when packets are sent with a false IP, to either hide the identity of the sender or pose as a legitimate user
Spoofing is often incorporated int other attacks
MAC address spoofing is used with access to an internal network, alters the address of their host to match MAC address of a target host
Blind spoofing is where a threat actor cannot see the traffic that is being sent between the host and the target. Used in DoS attacks
Non-blind spoofing is where a threat actor can see the traffic being sent from host to target.
Non-blind spoofing can be used to hijack a session by sending a fake session cookie