Milgrams shock test - situational explanation

Cards (12)

  • Aim of milgrams shock test
    Investigate how obedient people are in situations following orders to cause harm
  • Procedures of milgrams Shock test
    40 American male volunteers. participant was teacher and confederate was learner, participants asked questions and gave increasing voltage (up to 450Volts) when answer wrong. Shocks were fake, experimenter with participant in lab coat ordering to continue
  • Findings of milgrams shock test
    Everyone gave at least 300 volt shock, 65% gave full 450 volt shock
  • Conclusions of milgrams Shock test
    Participants distressed, some thought they killed learner, said felt unable to stop when ordered to continue, power of authority on behaviour, no alternative but obey
  • What was the location variation in milgrams variations for situational factors
    Changed location to run down office block to loose prestige and legitimacy of university. Found obedience lower (only 47.5%). shows legitimacy of location important in affecting obedience
  • What was the uniform variation in milgrams variations for situational factors
    The experimenter wears normal clothes, full obedience lower (20%). uniform has sense of authority and people more likely to feel need to obey
  • What was the proximity variation in milgrams variations for situational factors
    Teacher and learner in same room, (40% full obedience). distance allows psychological distancing from consequences of actions where people can ignore harm caused
  • What was the touch proximity variation in milgrams variations for situational factors
    Teacher had to place learners hand on shock pad (30% full obedience)
  • What was the remote instruction variation in milgrams variations for situational factors
    Experimenter not In room, gave remote instruction (20.5% Full obedience)
  • strength of milgrams shock test
    Research support for power of uniform. actors dressed as milkman, businessman and security guard and asked people to pick up litter. Found people twice as likely to obey security guard than man in suit which demonstrates the power of uniform
  • Weakness of Milgrams shock test
    Low internal validity. People likely to figure out shocks are fake which leads to demand characteristics. When uniform removed participants knew it was fake and played along
  • weakness of Milgrams shock test
    Danger of situational perspective. Excuses people who should not be excused based on just following orders from pressure of situation