Cards (3)

  • Strength- Supporting Evidence:
    • Supporting evidence for interactional synchrony
    • Meltzoff & Moore (1977) observed IS in infants as young as 2 weeks 
    • Increases the validity- real-world application
  • Weakness- Testability: (PEET)
    • Research conducted in controlled lab environment (artificial)
    • Baby isn’t in its natural environment- may respond differently 
    • Furthermore- difficult to understand baby’s rationale behind expressions- is it natural?
    • Decreases validity - conclusions drawn simply based on biased interpretations
  • Weakness- Opposing Theory:
    • Piaget- true imitation doesn’t develop until near the end of the first year (anything before that = response training)
    • Baby repeats rewarding behaviour- learning through reinforcement (operant conditioning)
    • Therefore this decreases the validity of IS & reciprocity as other theories are more plausible