A01: Historic Approach - Biological Explanation

Cards (8)

  • Lombroso's historical approach laid the foundations of profiling:
    • Lombroso (1876) an Italian physician, proposed that criminals were 'genetic throwbacks' - a primitive subspecies who were biologically different from non criminals. This is the 'atavistic form'.
  • Biological approach - offenders lack evolutionary development:

    Offenders seen by Lombroso as lacking evolutionary development
    • Savage/untamed nature meant they find it impossible to adjust to civilised society & inevitably turn to crime
    • So Lombroso saw offending behaviour as innate tendency & thus proposed new perspective (for his time) that offender not at fault (lack free will) - inherited physiology, not responsible for actions
    • In this way his ideas were revolutionary.
  • Atavistic Form - biologically determined:
    Lombroso argued the offender subtype could be identified by their physiological 'markers'
    • There 'atavistic' characteristics are biologically determined
    By possessing these physiological 'markers' these characteristics are biologically determined
  • Cranial & other physical & emotional features
    Characteristics of the skull (cranium) included:
    • A narrow sloping brow
    • Strong prominent jaw
    • High cheekbones
    • Facial asymmetry
    Other physical features included:
    • Dark skin
    • Existence of extra toes, nipple or fingers
    Other aspects include:
    • Insensitivity to pain
    • Use of (criminal) slang
    • Tattoos
    • Unemployment
  • Different types of offenders have different physical characteristics:
    Lombroso also suggested that particular physiological 'markers' were linked to particular types of crime
    • For example MURDERERS:
    • Bloodshot eyes
    • Curly hair
    • Long ears
    • Sexual Deviants were described as having:
    • Glinting eyes
    • Swollen/fleshy lips
    • Projecting ears
    • Fraudsters: thin lips
  • Lombroso's research showed convicts had atavistic characteristics:
    Lombroso meticulously examined the facial & cranial features of 383 dead convicts and 3839 living ones (Italian convicts)
    • He concluded that 40% of criminal acts could be accounted for by people with atavistic characteristics
  • Atavistic Form/Approach:
    • A historic approach to offending
    • Lombroso (1876) (Italian physician), suggest biological basis for criminal behaviour; suggest criminals inherited certain traits in their genetic makeup which made them an evolutionary 'genetic' throwback - primitive subspecies who biologically different from non criminals, who have characteristics with consistent with primitive humans
    • Argued inherent 'savage' nature made them incapable of adapting to societal norms, inevitable leading them to crime
    • Born with criminal personality, innate
  • Atavistic Form/Approach is a Historical Approach based on Biological Explanation/factors