
Cards (13)

  • What is the first line of defence to disease?
    Barriers to entry
  • Skin
    Is a physical barrier to most pathogens as they find it hard to penetrate
  • Epithelia
    Is covered in Mucus as the next line of defence; this stops pathogens entering the lungs as it sticks to the mucus; Pathogens are then transported by Cilia up the Trachea to be swallowed into the stomach
  • HCl Acid in the stomach…
    Has a low enough pH that most enzymes and pathogens are denatured before the organisms are killed
  • What does “Phago” mean in greek?
    To devour
  • What does “Cytosis“ mean in greek?
  • What is Phagocytosis?

    The cellular process of engulfing solid particles by the cell membrane to form an internal Phagosome in Phagocytes
  • Where can Phagocytosis?
    In the Immune System as a non-specific second line of defence against pathogens
  • What is the first stage in Phagocytosis?
    Phagocyte detects chemicals released by foreign intruder
  • What is the second stage of Phagocytosis?
    Phagocyte moves up the concentration gradient towards the intruder
  • What is the third stage of Phagocytosis?
    The Phagocyte adheres to the foreign cell and engulfs it in a vacuole by the invagination of the cell membrane
  • What is the fourth stage of Phagocytosis?
    Lysosomes (Organelles rich in digestive enzymes found in the Phagocytes cytoplasm) fuse into the vacuole and release their content into it to form a Phagolysosome
  • What is the fifth stage of Phagocytosis?
    The foreign microbe is digested by the enzymes and the breakdown products are either egested or absorbed by the Phagocyte