Key terms for evaluation

Cards (14)

  • Does the dependent variable really reflect the behaviour being studied?
    Internal validity.
  • Did the participants fear that they were being judged by the experimenter and hence changed their behaviour?
    Evaluation apprehension.
  • Did cues in the experiment make the participant react in a particular way?
    Demand characteristics.
  • Is the task within the experiment similar to one carried out in every day life?
    Mundane realism.
  • Can the results of the investigation be generalised to a real life context?
    Ecological validity.
  • Do the results of the investigation stand the test of time?
    Temporal validity.
  • Can the results be generalised to other populations not tested by the experimenter?
    Populational validity.
  • Research/theories that emphasise the difference between men and women?
    Alpha bias.
  • Research/theories that ignore or minimise sex differences? (These theories often assume that findings can apply equally to both men and women)
    Beta bias.
  • Theories or research that is centred on men?
  • Theories or research that is centred on females?
  • Participants want to appear good/better than they are so they give a desirable answer rather than the truth?
    Social desirability bias.
  • Environmental factors that cannot/are not controlled?
    Situational variables.
  • Where researcher could have influenced the participants behaviour or the data gathered?
    Experimenter bias.