The tendency to judge behaviour in terms of the values and beliefs of your own society and culture
Judging other cultures by the standards and values of your own culture. It is the belief in the superiority of one's own culture which may lead to prejudice and discrimination of other cultures
Cultural Relativism
Refers to the idea that a behaviour can only be properly understood in the context of the norms and values of the culture in which it occurs
Universality and culture bias
Universality refers to behaviour being applied to everyone
Research finds that 68% of PPs come from USA and 96% come from industrialised nations
People outside of this sample their behaviour then can be seen as abnormal
Behaviours cannot be universally applied if research is not having PPs from a variety of places
Ethnocentrism example
The strange situation is an example where the norms and values in the USA were seen as the standard
There was also an ideal attachment type with the others being seen as abnormal
Child rearing that were outside of the American norm were misinterpreted such as Japanese babies that were insecurely attached
Etic Approach
Looks at behaviour outside of a given culture and attempts to describe these behaviours as universal
Emic Approach
Functions from inside a culture and identifies behaviour that are specific to that culture
Cultural relativism
Imposed etic occurs where one culture is taken as the standard to compare all the other cultures
Suggests the behaviours will be universal which is not the case
Researchers should be careful of this and not have a set standard from one culture only
AO3Cultural Bias: Classic Studies have culture bias
Many influential studies are culturally biased
Asch, Milgram and Zimbardo all had USA samples
Asch's experiments in collectivist cultures found significant higher rates of conformity compared to original sample that was individualist
Should only be applied to individualistic cultures only
AO3 Culture Bias: Cultural Psychology
The study of how people are shaped by their cultural experience
Incorporates work from researchers from other disciples such as sociology and political science
Strive to avoidethnocentricassumptions by taking an emicapproach and conducting research inside a culture
Researchers are mindful of culture bias and are aiming to prevent it
AO3 Culture Bias: EthnicStereotyping
The USArmyIQtest lead to prejudice which was used before the outbreak of the First World War.
The test results showed European immigrants and African-Americans doing poor
Many items on the test were ethnocentric such as knowing the names of the US presidents
Ethnic minorities were deemed 'mentally unfit' and were denied educational opportunities
AO3 Culture Bias: Use samples from many cultural groups
One way to tackle cultural bias is using studies with samples from different cultural groups
82% of studies used undergraduates with 51% being Americanpsychology student
An American student was calculated to be 4000 times more likely to be a PP in a psychology study than a random non westerner
A significant amount of psychology is based on middle class, academicyoung adults who are often male
Makes psychological findings not only unrepresentative on a global scale but also within Western culture