They were ‘geneticthrowbacks’, a primitivesubspecies who were biologically different from non-criminals
What is Lombroso’s theory?
What is the atavistic form?
A biological approach to offending that attribute’s criminal activity to the fact that offenders are geneticthrowbacks or primitivesubspecies ill-suited to conforming to the rules of modern society
How are atavistic individuals distinguishable?
Particular facial and cranial (skull) characteristics
Offenders were seen by Lombroso as lacking evolutionary development, their savage and untamed nature meant that they would find it impossible to adjust to the demands of civilisedsociety and would inevitably turn to crime
Lombroso saw offending behaviour as a naturaltendency, rooted in the genes of those who engage in it
Why were Lombroso’s ideas revolutionary?
He was proposing a new perspective at that time, that offending behaviour was innate and therefore an offender was not to blame for his actions
Cranial (skull) characteristics in the atavistic form
Narrow, sloping brow, a strong prominent jaw, high cheekbones and facial asymmetry
Other physical markers included dark skin and the existence of extra toes, nipples or fingers
Besides physical traits Lombroso suggested there were other aspects of born offenders including insensitivity to pain, use of slang, tattoos and unemployment
According to Lombroso, what traits did murderers have?
Bloodshot eyes, curly hair and long ears
According to Lombroso, what characteristics did sexual deviants have?
Glintingeyes,swollen & fleshy lips and projecting ears
According to Lombroso, what characteristics did fraudsters have?
Thin and ‘reedy’ lips
What kind of research did Lombroso conduct?
Examined the facial and cranial features of hundreds of Italian convicts, both living and dead, and conlcuded that there was an atavistic form
In all, Lombroso examined ht skulls of 383 dead convicts and 3839 living ones, and concluded that 40 % of criminal acts are committed by people with atavistic characteristics