cognitive explanations + treatment for depressoin

Cards (22)

  • what are the two cognitive explanations for depression?
    Beck's negative triad
    Ellis's ABC model
  • schema
    mental framework based on expectations
  • negative schema
    automatically negative cognitive biases leading people to process information in a biased, self defeating manner
  • 3 parts to negative cognitive vulnerability suggested by Beck
    cognitive biases: eg. overgeneralisation, catastrophizing, personalisation
    negative self schema: processing information in a biased, self-defeating manner
    negative triad: self, future, world
  • faulty information processing
    when depressed people attend to the negative aspects of a situation and ignore the positives
  • negative self schema
    interpreting all information about ourselves in a negative way
  • Beck's negative triad
    negative view of the world
    negative view of the self
    negative view of the future
  • name two strengths of Beck's negative triad as an explanation for depression
    - Clark + Beck (1999) concluded that cognitive vulnerabilities precede depression which was backed by Cohen et al. (2019) in another study
    - applications in screening and testing for depression to identify those most a risk of developing depression so they can be monitored and then target vulnerabilities in CBT
  • outline Ellis's ABC model as an explanation for depression
    irrational beliefs make us overreact to events and become depressed
    - activating event: situations where irrational thoughts are triggered by external events
    - beliefs: identified a range of irrational beliefs
    - consequence: when the activating event triggers irrational beliefs there are emotional and behavioural consequences - depression
  • mustabatory thinking
    the consequences of not accepting we don't live in a perfect work
  • name one strength of Ellis's ABC model
    . real world application in the psychological treatment of depression
    . REBT has evidence for success meaning it has real world value
  • name one limitation of Ellis's ABC model
    . only explains reactive depression and not endogenous depression
    . many cases of depression can't be traced to a life event and it isn't obvious what makes a person depressed
    . therefore Ellis's model is only a partial explanation for depression
  • what are the two cognitive treatments for depression?
  • what is CBT?
    a method for treating mental disorders based on both cognitive and behavioural techniques
  • cognitive element of CBT
    . begins with an assessment in which the client and therapist work together to clarify the clients problems
    . they identify goals for the therapy and create a plan to achieve them
  • behavioural element of CBT
    working to change negative and irrational thoughts and put more effective behaviours into place - challenging irrational thoughts
  • elements of CBT
    . client as scientist: patient generates and tests hypotheses about the validity of their irrational thoughts - when they realise that their thoughts don't match reality, this will change their schemas and irrational thoughts can be discarded
    . thought catching: identifying irrational thoughts coming from the negative triad of schemas
    . homework tasks: keep a diary to track enjoyable event or negative thoughts that have led to negative thinking
  • REBT
    extension of the ABC model to ABCDE model
    D - dispute
    E - effect
    central technique is to identify and challenge negative thoughts
  • empirical argument
    disputing whether there is evidence to support the negative belief
  • logical argument
    disputing whether the negative thought logically follows from the facts
  • name one strength of cognitive treatments of depression
    . March et al. compared CBT to antidepressant drugs and a combo of both
    . after 36 weeks both were 81% improved and the combination group were 86% significantly improved
    . suggests CBT is just as effective when on their own and even more so as a combination
  • name one limitation of cognitive treatments of depression