internal body clocks that keep biological processes to time
what are exogenous zeitgebers?
external cues that entrain endogenous pacemakers, meaning altering body clocks to match environment
what is a circadian rhythm?
biological rhythm that lasts 24 hours the sleep-wake cycle, the release of hormones
What is the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus?
the endogenous pacemaker for sleep-wake cycle
located at the optic chiasm (where optic nerves cross)
when light is detected by SCN, it sends the light to the pineal gland, stopping the production of melatonin which induces sleep
examples of exogenous pacemakers for sleep-wake cycle?
Siffre's Cave Study (1975) - Circadian Rhythms
sleep wake cycle EP thought to be free running, maintaining a predictable cycle without constant entertainment from EZs
Siffre spent 6 months in a cave with no light or other EZs
His EP maintained a regular cycle of around 25 hours
this suggests EP for sleep-wake is free-running but needs entertainment from EZs to maintain to the 24 hour day-night cycle
Folkard et al (1995)
got participants to live in a cave for 4 weeks and go to bed at 11:45pm and wake up at 7:45pm
he then sped up the clock so the day was only 22 hours
participants struggled to adjust, suggesting endogenous pacemakers are the most influential on the sleep-wake cycle
Limitations of Circadian Rhythm Research - Individual Differences
circadian rhythms too hard to generalise
it seems that sleep-wake cycles may vary depending on the person
this means that it is difficult to use research data to discuss anything more then averages, which may be meaningless
Strength of circadian rhythm - shift work
due to sleep pattern disruption leading to anxiety and decreased alertion - an understanding will lead to solutions to the negative effects of jet lag and shift work
this means understanding circadian rhythms may have real-world economic implications in terms of how to best manage worker productivity.