Cards (4)

  • STRENGTH: Research support for ISI
    • Lucas et al (2006) asked students to give answers to mathematical problems that were easy or more difficult
    • Greater conformity to incorrect answers when they were difficult rather than when they were easier
    • Study shows that people conform in situations where they feel they don't know the answer
  • WEAKNESS: Individual differences in NSI
    • Some research shows that NSI does not affect everyone's behaviour in the same way
    • For example, people who are less concerned with being liked are less affected by NSI than, those who care about being liked
    • McGhee and Teevan found that students high in need of affiliation were more likely to conform
  • WEAKNESS: ISI and NSI work together
    • The idea of Deutsch and Gerrard's 'two-process' approach is that behaviour is either due to NSI or ISI
    • But the truth is that, more often, both processes are involved
    • For example, conformity is reduced when there is one other dissenting participant in the Asch experiment
    • The dissenter may reduce the power of ISI or NSI
  • STRENGTH: Research Support for NSI
    • Asch (1951) found that many of his participants went along with a clearly wrong answer just because other people did
    • So he asked them why they did this
    • Some of the participants said they felt self-conscious about giving the correct answer and they were afraid of disapproval
    • When Asch repeated the study but asked participants to write down their answers instead of saying them out loud, conformity rates fell to 12.5%