Asch's Research

Cards (6)

  • Procedure:
    • Tested conformity by showing two large white cards at a time
    • On one card was a 'standard line' and on the other card there were three 'comparison lines'
    • One of the three lines was the same length as the standard and the other two were always substantially different
    • The participant was asked which of the three lines matched the standard
  • Participants:
    • 123 American Male undergraduates
    • Naive participants were tested individually with a group of between 6-8 confederates
  • On the first few trials all the confederates gave the right answers but then they started making errors
  • All the confederates were instructed to give the same wrong answer
  • Altogether each participant took part in 18 trials and on 12 'critical trials' the confederates gave the wrong answer
  • Findings:
    • gave the wrong answer 36.8%
    • overall 25% of participants did not conform on any trials
    • 75% conformed at least once
    • when interviewed afterwards, most said they conformed to avoid rejection