Locus of Control

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Cards (22)

  • This is described as being a personality characteristic that people have.
  • According to Rotter(1966) resisting the pressure to conform or obey depends on a person's locus of control(LOC)
  • LOC refers to how much control a person has over their life.
  • Internal- means responsible
  • External- means not responsible
  • Internal- things that happen are controlled by themselves.
  • E.G. If id o well on my exams its because I worked hard. If I don't its because I didn't work hard.
  • Forces within dictate outcomes.
  • External- Things that happen are beyond my control.
  • E.G. do well in exams- teacher helped enough.
    Don't do well- the teacher didn't help enough.
  • Forces outside dictate outcomes.
  • If a person has an internal LOC they can resist.
  • If a person takes personal responsibility for their actions/experiences, more likely to base decisions on own beliefs, therefore resist pressure.
  • Internal LOC- self confident, achievement orientated, higher intelligence and less need for social approval.