We have the ability to hold vastamounts of info (1 eye= 100million pieces of info)
Information stored for less than 1/2 a second
Strength- Supporting evidence of separatestores:
HM- (Millner 1966) went under brainsurgery- remembered little of personal (death of mother / father) or public events (VietnamWar) that had occurred in the last 45 years- short-term memory remained intact-STM & LTM are separate
Furthermore- Brain scans- different parts of the brain active when performing STM & LTMtasks
Increases validity- theory of multiplestores can be demonstrated in reallife
Weakness- Contradictory evidence for MSM:
KF (Shallice & Warrington 1977)
Been in a motorcyclecrash- sustained braindamage
STM- able to recallwords when he read them to himself-unable to recall words, when someoneelseread them to him-STM has more than 1 store- not explained by MSM
Decreases the validity- cannot explain findings of KF
Weakness- Opposing theory for MSM
Baddeley & Hitch- developed WMM
Explanation of the complexity of STM & a way of explainingresearchfindings not explained by MSM e.g dual-tasking
Decreases validity of the MSM as memory is explained in much more detail