Cards (7)

  • Who proposed the theory for types of LTM?
    TULVING in (1972)
  • Episodic Memory:
    • Events from our lives 
    • Memories are ‘time-stamped’ - can remember when they happened
    • Includes ‘several elements’ people, places, objects, behaviours all into a single memory
    • Have to consciously recall them 
  • Semantic Memory:
    • Memory for facts / concepts
    • NOT “time-stamped”
    • Declarative e.g. Capital of France- Paris
  • Procedural Memory:
    • Memory for actions, skills, how we do things
    • Can recall these memories- without conscious awareness
    • Beginning- things are difficult but over time become 2nd nature  
  • Strength- Supporting Evidence for different types of LTM: (PEET)
    • Clive Wearing- suffered viral infection
    • Suffered from damage to LTM- struggled to remember semantic & episodic memories -> could still remember procedural memories e.g. how to play piano 
    • Furthermore, brain scans are empirical, objective data obtained. This increases the scientific credibility of the types of LTM- factual data 
  • Weakness- Contradictory Evidence for different types of LTM 
    • Research on Clive Wearing and HM- rare case studies
    • Lacks generalisability due to subjective experiences
  • Strength- research conducted has usefulness in today’s world:
    • Belleville et al (2006) demonstrated how episodic memory can be improved in older people with mild cognitive impairment
    • Lead to treatments to improve specific types of LTM
    • Increases validity: practical application in real-world