social-psychological: slt

    Cards (9)

    • direct/indirect learning:
      • aggression can be directly learned through operant conditioning
      • bandura - aggression cant be explained by direct forms of learning
      • indirect mechanism (observational learning) accounts for social learning of most aggressive behaviours
    • observational learning + vicarious reinforcement:
      • acquire specific behaviours through observing models - work out how behaviour is performed + consequences
      • models behaviour rewarded, child more likely to imitate - vicarious reinforcement
      • models behaviour punished, less likely - vicarious punishment
    • cognitive conditions for learning:
      • 4 cognitive conditions (mediational processes) needed for observational learning
      • attention, retention, motor reproduction, motivation
    • self efficacy:
      • extent to which we believe our actions will achieve desired goal - childs sense of self efficacy develops with each successful outcome
      • confident that if past aggression was effective it will continue to be
    • bandura study 1:
      • children observing adult assaulting bobo doll, children frustrated by being shown toys they couldnt play with
      • many imitated behaviour verbally + physically
      • another group shown non aggressive adult - no aggression
    • bandura study 2:
      • rewarded - more likely to imitate
      • punished - less likely
      • control group
    • EVALUATION: research support
      • poulin + boivin - aggressive behaviour of 9-12 year olds, most aggressive befriended other aggressive boys
      • mutually reinforced aggression, exposed to models + consequences + group approval
      • exact conditions under which theory predicts behaviour occurs
    • EVALUATION: real world application
      • imitation happens when observed + rewarded, to decrease provide rewarded non aggressive models, learning processes can produce non aggression
      • encourage to make friends + media characters
      • offers steps to stop development of aggression
    • EVALUATION: environmental reductionism
      • bandura - aggressive urge is instinctive but clear that aggression is primarily learned
      • small role of genetics, evolution etc, cant explain concordance rate
      • incomplete + reductionist, underplays biology